Sports Law
Sports Law
As Aytekin Law Firm, we represent and defend our clients before the Turkish courts, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and international courts of arbitration.
Services offered in the field of sports law by our law firm to our local and foreign legal and real person clients in terms of sports law include the following services:
• Detailed examination of project and financing documents
• Giving opinions on compliance with banking and finance legislation in the execution of daily operational works and preparation of all kinds of contracts
• In connection with all kinds of cash and non-cash loans, we offer the following services:
– drawing up loan agreements,
– issuing collaterals,
– preparing lien, pledge, commercial enterprise pledge agreements,
– registering liens or pledges in the land register or the register,
– preparing texts of bank letters of guarantee or letters of credit,
–in case of violation of contractual obligations, liquidating liens or collecting loan receivables, among other legal consultancy and litigation services.
There are many legal services, especially on issues such as